Saturday, May 31

Meet the Staff: Susan Calvin Q&A

Submit questions for Susan Calvin, our resident robopsychologist, and you will be entered in a contest to win a free tour of the U.S. Robots and Mechanical Men, Inc. Schenectady, New York manufacturing plant! Just ask at least 3 questions, add you name and email, and we'll automatically enter you in a chance to win!

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Friday, May 30

Introducing the ADR Series

U.S. Robots and Mechanical Men, Inc. is proud to announce the release of the ADR Series, following extensive lab and field testing. The ADR Series went through rigorous Phase III testing and was subject to three complete revisions and six prototypes.

The ADR Series is unique from our other offerings in that its positronic pathways are not specialized towards a singular task. The ADR (Codenamed "Android Andrew") is able to expand upon itself, learning new material and able to solve creative problems. Accompanying the advanced positronic brain is FlexStar skin-textured coating. Along with realistic external organs (eyes, ears, hair), the ADR is indistinguishable from a human. However, don't think we have overlooked the demands and securities of the Earthian citizen. The ADR, like every other robot created by U.S. Robots, contains the three laws of robotics, reiterated below:

First Law: A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

Second Law: A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

Third Law: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Despite strict regulations on humaniform robots throughout major World cities, U.S. Robots and Mechanical Men, Inc. is confident the ADR series will meet investor expectations and continue to propel our company into another profitable quarter.

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Thursday, May 29

Breaking: Stephen Byerley announced Regional Co-ordinater for the Northern Region

In a surprising landslide election, Stephen Byerley has been declared winner of Regional Co-ordinater for the Northern Region, encompassing North America, Greenland, England, and the Eastern Pacific Outlying Islands. While all of the polls are not in, sub-regional Multivac computers are predicting a .9736 probability of Mr. Byerley becoming Co-ordinater.

Mr. Byerley's platform was largely based on furthering the Northern Region's economic goals, and continuing resistance to the Eastern Region's claims to Arctic mining rights. Byerley has also said he wishes to combat certain major city's reluctance to allow robots on the streets between sunset and sunrise, a direct response to New York's recent decision to ignore appeals against robot rights during the night. Mr. Byerley, who also ran in 2033, has said that "becoming Regional Co-ordinater is a goal I'd always had as an aspiring lawyer. Now that I'm [almost] here, it's a whole different world."

Byerley ran a close race against two other competitors for the title, Joan Hitches and Brad Mink, both of which had held the title of Mayor of New York, which Byerley also held between 2032 and 2034. Both Hitches and Mink advocated tighter robot control policies, with Hitches going as far as saying, "Robots have taken the humanity out of humans. It's time we go back to a simpler time, where industry did not interfere with creativity." According to sub-regional Multivac computers, Hitches received 13 percent of the vote and Mink 34 percent.

While U.S. Robots is a staunchly apolitical organization, we are delighted to hear of a pro-robot candidate being elected to the Northern Region as Co-ordinater.

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