Saturday, May 31

Meet the Staff: Susan Calvin Q&A

Submit questions for Susan Calvin, our resident robopsychologist, and you will be entered in a contest to win a free tour of the U.S. Robots and Mechanical Men, Inc. Schenectady, New York manufacturing plant! Just ask at least 3 questions, add you name and email, and we'll automatically enter you in a chance to win!

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Anonymous said...

1) According to the Three Laws, someone can order a robot to destroy itself. Don't you think the laws should be adjusted so such an order would not be possible?

2) Why does USR&MM only lease their robots? Shouldn't I be able to buy one and do whatever I want with it?

3) Do you think robots will ever surpass humans in mental ability?

e-mail = stettin DOT palver AT

Anonymous said...

1)puede un robot resolver un problema de pensamiento lateral?

2)conforme a la primera ley, si un robot debe salvar a una de dos personas en una situación de muerte, tiene en cuenta el entorno social para realizar la ecuación de supervivencia?

3) un robot puede ser engañado mediante el inductivismo?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is R. Daneel Olivaw currently on the staff at USR & MM?